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When Jade Eby Isn't Writing...

I write. A lot. But when I'm not writing...you can find me with my nose in a book. Or a Kindle.

Revealing Eden - Victoria Foyt Originally published at my blog Chasing Empty Pavements

Revealing Eden by Victoria Foyt was quite the adventure. I also have a new appreciation for jungle animals due to this book :)

The Good: I loved that Foyt flipped an old idea and turned into something new and fresh. Eden who is a "Pearl" (she is white) and everyone hates the Pearls. Her only chance at making it in this dystopian world of hers is if she mates with a "Coal" (someone who is black). This is the first time I've read a novel that switches that dynamic. Instead of the normal historical stories I read about oppressed black people, this book propels them as the most powerful people in this society. I think Foyt did this wonderfully! I liked that their were some realistic aspects to the story as well as the fantastical. It took me awhile, but Eden, the main character eventually grew on me. I thought the romance was done well and I can't wait for Part Two to come out!

The Bad: While Eden did grow on me, in the beginning she was a bit annoying and whiny. Some of her inner monologue got a bit lengthy and unnecessary. I also am still on the fence about Bramford...just not sure what I think about his whole one-minute-I'm-nice-then-the-next-I'm-not kind of attitude.

Overall: I enjoyed this novel and was impressed by Miss Foyt's ability to find a fresh and unique idea for Dysptopian novels in the ever-growing genre. If you like adventure and a bit of romance mixed in with Dystopia than this is the novel for you! I give it a B!

**I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All the opinions are my own and I was not obligated to write a favorable review.